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WELCOME ABOARD! On behalf of "YOUR NAVY FAMILY STORE"Team, WELCOME ABOARD! You have joined an organization with a proud tradition, an honored present, and a professionally brighter future. As a new member you have an important role to play in the continued success of the Navy Exchange System (NES). We take pride in our organization because of our associates - the heart and soul of the Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM). Dedication and commitment to serving the Navy family is displayed in every exchange location throughout the world. As a new exchange associate you are certain to have questions concerning the company, its expectations, benefits, and standards. Your handbook is designed to provide general information about our organization and help you get oriented in your new surroundings. Your handbook summarizes most of the NES' employment practices and the benefits you receive as an associate. The specific policy document, instruction, directive, or provision of law must be referred to for a determination of applicability. This Handbook creates no rights or causes of action and may not be relied upon by any person, organization, or entity to allege a denial or rights, or to request any remedies. You will receive updated information periodically. If you have any questions regarding our policies, benefits, etc., the best sources to ask are your supervisor or a member of the human resources group. Please read your handbook thoroughly and retain it for future reference. We are committed to provide the training, development, and communication you need to enhance your knowledge, and succeed in your career field. You are encouraged, however, to take the initiative and learn as much as you can about your department, its functions, and the NES. CHAPTER I NES: A UNIQUE FEDERAL EMPLOYER The NES is a nonappropriated fund instrumentality (NAFI) of the Department of Defense and Department of the Navy. This means that we do not receive tax dollars (appropriated funds) in running our business. You are a federal employee, but most of the laws administered by Civil Service for appropriated fund employees are not applicable. A Proud Past. History of the NES The history of the Navy Exchange System is relatively recent, but the need for such a service is as old as Caesar's legions. In fact the word "canteen", as ships stores used to be called, is believed to have derived from "Via Quintana", the Roman street where shops specially catering to