No games, no gimmicks, no tricks; just a credit card with a great rate and virtually no fees. If you don’t have an Acme Visa credit card, you are probably paying too much in interest and fees. Using our low interest, NO annual fee Visa Platinum card can increase your purchasing power while decreasing the amount of interest you may be currently paying on other credit cards.
Check your account online . If you need information on your Visa card, please call (800)322-VISA (8472)
Check your Sco reCard Points and redeem for travel or merchandise!
If you’re an ACME VISA™ credit or debit cardholder, be sure to give us a call before you leave for vacation or other travel. That way, you’ll be able to use your ACME credit or debit card anywhere you go. If you don’t call first, your card may be locked. This applies to both overseas and domestic travel—it’s a security measure to prevent unauthorized use of your card.
Simply call the credit union at 708-849-3113 and let us know when you’re leaving, where you’re going and when you’ll be back, and you can enjoy all the benefits of your ACME VISA™ credit or debit card, no matter where you’re traveling!
Rates are as LOW as 8.80% annual percentage rate for purchases and cash advances. Rates are based on your FICO credit score and are as follows:
680 and above rate = 9.90% with Score Card points or 8.80% with NO points
640-679 rate = 10.80%
600-639 rate = 12.84%
599 and below rate = 18.00%
25 day grace period for repayment of the balance
Late payment fee $25.00
NO Annual fee
Low 2% minimum monthly payment requirement OR $25.00 whichever is higher
Only 1% International Taxation fee for international travel
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