Personal income tax (IRS) in Portugal

Personal income tax (IRS) applies to the income of citizens resident in Portuguese territory and non-residents who earn income in Portugal.

The tax is determined with reference to the income earned, the corresponding rate being applied according to the relevant band and taking the deductions laid down by law into account (e.g. education or health expenditure).

IRS is calculated individually, but couples and civil partnerships can opt to file jointly. In this case, tax is charged on the total revenue of the persons in the household.

The information in this section is organized as follows:

IRS and tax address

Before filing your tax return, ensure that all information relating to your current situation is correctly entered on the website of Tax and Customs Authority (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira, AT), the body responsible for finance and for processing IRS.

This applies in particular to reporting your tax address, the address considered to be your official residence. Keeping your tax address up-to-date is not only a statutory requirement but is also very important: to obtain tax advantages (e.g. exemption from municipal real estate tax (Imposto Municipal Sobre Imóveis)) and to avoid possible penalties (fines of up to EUR 375).

If you move house on a temporary or permanent basis, you must change your address on your Citizen’s Card, since by changing the address on this card you are changing your tax address. Changing your tax address is a statutory requirement that can be completed online on the AT portal.

Tax residents

If you are thinking of living or working in Portugal you must fulfil one of the following conditions to obtain a tax address in Portuguese territory:

Non-habitual resident (special status)

There is a special income tax scheme for foreign citizens who intend to come to live in Portugal or for nationals who are living outside the country and wish to return: non-habitual resident status.

This special status applies to non-residents in Portugal who have not been taxed as tax residents in the 5 years prior to the application for the status, and it includes certain tax advantages, such as a lower rate of IRS, if the activity is considered to be high value added (list of activities in these circumstances).

To apply for this status, citizens must register as resident in Portugal. See the Tax and Customs Authority portal for further information on the conditions required to obtain this status and the registration procedures for paying taxes.

The AT site also provides a tax guide for Portuguese communities resident abroad, which also includes relevant information on the international taxation of income.

Filing the IRS return

Who is required to submit the IRS return

People who receive income from employment, business, professional work, capital, property, assets and pensions in Portugal are required to declare such income. In certain situations, however, citizens are exempted from filing the IRS return.

The IRS return must be submitted by:

Who is exempted from submitting the IRS return

In the year to which the tax relates, citizens who have only received the following, whether separately or concurrently, are exempted from submitting the IRS return:

Exemption from filing the IRS return does not include citizens who opt for joint taxation, who receive temporary and lifelong annuities which are not intended for paying pensions, who receive income in kind and who receive maintenance allowances of a value in excess of EUR 4 104.

Confirmation of invoices

By 25 February each year, check that your invoices and receipts have been duly submitted by economic agents, record or supplement the invoices and ensure that invoices are entered in the appropriate expenditure section on the Tax Portal.

A password may also be requested from the Tax Portal, via the ‘Register’ option, by completing the application form with your personal data. It will subsequently be sent by post to your tax address, within an estimated period of 5 working days.

Deadline for filing the return

Citizens must submit an annual return relating to income for the preceding year and other information relevant to their tax situation.

The deadline for submission of the IRS return is from 1 April to 30 June, irrespective of whether the latter is a working day or not. It is obligatory to file the return online via the Tax Portal.

Taxation of taxpayers who are married or in civil partnerships

As a general rule, taxpayers who are married or in civil partnerships file an individual tax return in which they must include 50% of the income of dependents who form part of the household.

As already stated, however, a couple may opt for joint taxation, submitting a single IRS return which includes all income obtained by all members of the household. This option is valid only for the year concerned, i.e., in each year they may choose whether to file their tax return individually or jointly.

Automatic tax return

On the Tax Portal, the Tax and Customs Authority provides a provisional tax return and the corresponding provisional assessment, i.e., the estimated amount to be paid or received. The user must verify whether the provisional return corresponds to their tax situation and to their household.

The automatic tax return is available for taxpayers who meet the following conditions:

Tax return (model 3)

To file your tax return you must: