Measuring Length Worksheets

Basic length worksheets for kindergarten through grade 5 contain measuring length of real-life objects with paper clips, building blocks and rulers; estimating length, height or depth of real-life items. Ruler worksheets contain reading pointer, drawing pointer to show the reading, measuring bars, reading tapes to measure long bars and more. We also have printable worksheets on drawing and measuring length of the line segments. Procure some of them for free!

Measuring Objects

Measuring Objects with Paper Clips

Kindergarten and 1st grade kids measure the length of each object with paper clips.

With Paper Clips:

Your Own Paper Clips:

Measuring Objects with Blocks / Cubes

Use building blocks or cubes to measure the length of each object in these pdf worksheets.

Your Own Blocks:

Measuring Objects with Ruler

Measure each real-life object with ruler to the nearest cm, half cm, inches or quarter inches.

Whole inches (Type 1):

Whole inches (Type 2):

Quarters (Type 1):

Quarters (Type 2):

Estimating Length

Identify the unit that is appropriate to measure each object.

Each printable worksheet has 8 problems estimating length, height or depth of real-life objects.

Measuring Line Segment

Measuring Line Segment: With Ruler

Cut out the ruler from each worksheet to measure length of the line segments. Also, draw the line segment for the given measure.

Measuring Line Segment: Your Own Ruler

Use your own ruler to complete these worksheets for 2nd grade and 3rd grade kids. Answers may vary depending on your printer settings.

Reading and Marking Ruler

Read and Mark: cm and mm

Each pdf worksheet has 10 problems reading ruler and drawing pointer. Handouts with decimal readings suit 4th grade and 5th grade practice.

Read and Mark: inches

Each worksheet has 5 problems reading inch ruler and 5 problems drawing pointer to show the reading.

Halves and Quarters:

One-eighths and One-sixteenths:

Measuring Bars

Bars placed at anywhere between rulers. Read start and end point to measure length of each bar.

Reading Tapes: Type 1

Read end point of the tape, to measure length of each bar.

Halves and Quarters:

Reading Tapes: Type 2

Measure each tape in inches, and convert the reading in feet and inches.